Hunt near Cheyenne,Wyoming. Fully guided hunt with lodging and meals 100% success on 12"–15" bucks.
Hunt northeastern Wyoming near the town of Colony. Physically “undemanding”hunt with large numbers of game seen,and success rates running between 95-100% on bucks averaging 14". Meals and lodging included.
Mild winters and good management have made New Mexico one of the premier trophy antelope states. These hunts take place on select quality ranches with private landowner tags. They are very limited and offer a great opportunity on a B&C class animal. Comfortable lodge accomodations and meals are included.
Hunt Northern New Mexico on a 19,000 acre private ranch. There is a very high antelope density and success is very high on quality bucks in the 14-15 inch range. Motel accomodations and meals are included. This "Guaranteed Tag" hunt with no draw to worry about.
Hunt southeastern Montana (region 700) around the town of Alzada.Great hunt for first time western hunters.Physically easy hunt with lots of bucks to encounter. Close to 100% harvest on 14" or better bucks. Meals and lodging included.